Meditation, The Art of Exploitation

Thinking? At last I have discovered it--thought; this alone is inseparable from me. I am, I exist--that is certain. But for how long? For as long as I am thinking. For it could be, that were I totally to cease from thinking, I should totally cease to exist....I am, then, in the strict sense only a thing that thinks.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

C++: Understand rebind

You may have seen some esoteric C++ line such as this one:

typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<_Tp>::other alloc_type;

In fact if you have read my previous entry on std::vector internal, you have read this line. Naturally the first question is what this line means?

It defines another _Alloc type (alloc_type) bound by a template parameter _Tp. It behaves just like _Alloc except that it is templatized by _Tp. It's not known at this point exactly what type _Alloc or alloc_type is. _Alloc could be a non-template type; it could be a template class and have 1,2,3...arbitrary number of template parameters. But we know that _Alloc has a inner template class named "rebind" that takes a single template parameter (apart from default template parameters rebind might define).

template < typename U>
struct rebind{
typedef some_type < U> other; // (a)
//typedef _Alloc_type < U> other; // (b)
//typedef _Alloc_type < U, T1, T2, T3, T4> other; // (c)

Apart from the theoretical possibilities, the common use of rebind is in conjuncture with a templatized _Alloc_type. Let's rule out case (a) where rebind really has nothing to do with _Alloc_type and becomes a rhetoric exercise. (b) and (c) are equally valid, and currently in STL, we see a pervasive use of case (b).

Let's expand case (b)

template < typename T>
struct _Alloc_type{
template < typename U>
struct rebind{
typedef some_type< U> other; // (a)
//typedef _Alloc_type< U> other; // (b)
//typedef _Alloc_type< U, T1, T2, T3, T4> other; // (c)

Let's also define a client class that will use _Alloc_type

template < typename T, typename U, class _Alloc = _Alloc_type < T> >
struct client{
typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind< U>::other alloc_type;

client< int, int *>::alloc_type allocator;

this client structure converts a int allocator to a int * allocator. Such an exercise may seem in vain given that one can simply write something simpler and equivalent:

_Alloc_type< int *> allocator;

So here is the 2nd question, why would anyone sane want to do something so strange? Let's see the power of such a construct by redo the code structure, such as the way it's used in std::vector:

template < typename T, typename _Alloc>
struct client_base {
typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind< T>::other alloc_type;

template < typename T, typename _Alloc = std::allocator < T> >
struct client : client_base< T, _Alloc> {

Here client_base takes a template parameter _Alloc from its derived client class. It is obvious that client_base has no knowedge of the exact type of _Alloc. It does not know if _Alloc will fulfill its need to work with type T. But it knows that _Alloc abide by the contract that _Alloc provides a rebind template to create another _Alloc that will work with any type T. The rebind idiom provides an excellent detour/indirection to create another type that behaves like _Alloc and works on any type T.

To better understand the idea of rebind, let's also expand case (c):

template < typename T, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
struct custom_allocator {
template < typename U>
struct rebind{
typedef _Alloc_type< U, T1, T2, T3, T4> other; // (c)

template < typename T, typename _Alloc>
struct client_base {
typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind< T>::other alloc_type;

template < typename T, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename _Alloc = custom_allocator< T, T1, T2, T3, T4> >
struct client : client_base< T3, _Alloc> {

Here client::_Alloc is custom_allocator< T, T1, T2, T3, T4> but client_base::alloc_type is custom_allocator< T3, T1, T2, T3, T4>.

rebind (policy clone) is a powerful idiom to create an indirection for template types to bind together and construct new types on the fly without prior knowledge of a class template, e.g. how many template parameters it requires to instantiate and it puts no limit on the number of template parameters an abiding class template has.


1. Policy Clone
2. Template Typedef, Herb Sutter, GotW #79